He’s annoying the fu#k out of me.

Tricia, 🇨🇦 PCOS, Mama to two babygirls 💕

At the beginning of my pregnancy I didn’t want to be away from my boyfriend at all.. like I loved being with him every second and when I wasn’t I hated life ..everything he did I loved ..

Now that I’m almost 23 weeks pregnant EVERYTHING he does pisses me off. I can’t stand his attitude towards me. Like I ask him to do ONE thing and it’s like ripping out teeth. I just can’t handle it. 😭

I literally asked him yesterday to help set up the stuff for the babies room.. and he acted like it was the end of the world.. hes like we still have plenty of time... um news flash we have like 3 months that’s IF she doesn’t come early and the last thing I want to be worrying about in the last 3 months is if everything is ready.

Then today .. my change oil light has been on for about a week.. and I have asked him twice to do it and he still hasn’t done it and he needs to take it to work which is over 1hour drive there .. so I told him today if he is taking it on Wed he needs to change the oil .. well he’s been on his phone watching videos for 3fucking hours