4 days post pardum - wanting to exclusively pump but only getting 10 ml out of left breast each session


We had a HARD time getting here since baby was born. I had a breast reduction 9 years ago so we were unsure if I could breast feed. My nipples are inverted, my baby has a small mouth, so we tried using a nipple shield to get him to feed and help my milk come in. He started getting dehydrated and jaundice from not getting enough from me, so we started supplementing with formula. I’ve been pumping in the meantime trying not to give up hope of being able to get him some breast milk. Last night was the first time I’ve been able to get liquid during a pumping session! I got 1.5 ml the first time, 4.5ml the second time, and 10ml the last two times - but my right breast is hardly producing any. Most of it comes from my left side. I woke up this morning with porn star breasts as my milk had definitely come in, but I still can’t produce more than 10ml from my left breast and a couple drops from my right. I try to pump every time baby eats but also have had trouble because when I got my epidural they poke a hole in something and I have spinal fluid leaking that gives me the most train wreck headaches if I’m not lying flat on my back. Each time I pump, I do it for 15 minutes (the goal being to pump every 3 hours). I think all my equipment that I’m using is the right size for me.

Does anyone have any advice on how to produce more/pump more milk out? My boobs are rock solid but I can’t seem to get things moving.