White coat syndrome

For those who don't know what this is. White coat syndrome is getting elevated blood pressure when at a doctor's office but it's normal any other time.

Ever since I checked my blood pressure a few months ago at a pharmacy and it was high (140/93), I now get tons of anxiety anytime I get my blood pressure checked at a pharmacy or at the doctor's office. At the doctor's it was 154/93. She told me she just wants me to monitor it for a while and keep a log at home.

I have my own blood pressure cuff at home and when I take it, it's normally always 120/82 sometimes even lower.

Since I'm on birth control pills I keep freaking myself out thinking it's causing me to have high BP. I also went through a very stressful 4 months when I started my birth control. (Bought a house and also my mom was in the hospital with a life threatening illness).

Does anyone have white coat syndrome? Has anything helped you overcome it?