How Do You Say I’m Pregnant

I’m 24 With 2 small kids. They’re 2&3 I Decided To Leave Their Father When My Youngest Was 9 Months, and shortly afterward he decided if we weren’t together he wasn’t going to be there for the kids so a lot of the times things get very overwhelming. That’s when My Mom stepped in. She’s Basically Their Dad, she helps me Financially With WHATEVER It is they need which I am Very much grateful for 🙏🏽 Over the past year I hit a really low point in my life where I lost everything, my job, and my car. I even left my apartment I had because I was so far away that I had no support with the kids and couldn’t keep a job so we’ve since then temporary moved back in with my mom. Good thing is I recently got a good paying job to where I can support us again. I found out Back In September I was pregnant again by The guy I’ve been seeing since the split with the kids dad. We have a pretty Stedy relationship, we’ve been dating going on 2 years. There was a lot of debating I did with myself about keeping the baby since things are already pretty hectic but he insisted we handle things as adults and do what we should. So basically I’m not hiding my pregnancy just don’t know how to come out and tell my mom 😩😩 she’s not the biggest fan of my boyfriend which is why I think it’s even harder for me to just tell her. My plan was to tell her when I found my new apartment but I’m starting to poke 🤰🏾 and don’t think I can wait much longer. Idk what to do 😭