Horrific dream with truth update

Im not sure why my post was deleted, but I did want to respond to the couple comments I did have a chance to read. For you ladies with questions.

There was an investigation which is actually upsetting in itself and was chocked up to a suicide since it was a drug overdose. So for a better understanding of my knowledge: My uncle actually confided in me when I found this out. I believe he was under the impression that I knew the truth/real story.

It started with him complaining about my cousin having her girlfriend back in her life (the girlfriend who gave my friend the drugs and let her die) I did not know this yet. My cousin now has children of her own and I guess has been staying on and off at my uncle's house. Well he has never liked this girlfriend, but since the incident has let her and my cousin know that she is not welcome and by no means allowed at his house period. My cousin started sneaking her in at night, and car pooling with her. My uncle flipped his lid and actually told my cousin to leave over it. He then started to complain about what had happened to my friend (apparently it bothers him A LOT too). He didn't give to many details, nor did I ask because I guess I was horrified by what I was hearing and too scared to get to much into it.

BUT he cursed her name a lot and even said he cant believe that shes not in prison for leaving my friend in the back seat for almost 2 days(thats how I found that out). He said she was "sobering up" before calling the police, because she was sober when she finally dealt with my friends body. Idk how true this is; if it is an assumption or fact. I kept my mouth shut for the most part and listened. He talked a lot of crap about the girlfriend and was worried she would do something similar to my cousin and children,"Its only a matter of time before she does it again, and when people get away with stuff like that, they get worse. " basically what he said. He was very disappointed with my friends death and that the GF got away with it. I dont know the girl personally but I guess shes an "abusive druggy thug" he did say that my friend was staying with him at the time, due to her ex finding where she lived and was "scared to go home" but they left to the girlfriend's house and that was the last time he seen her alive.

That was about the time things got wrapped up because other people showed up to the house, and after that I left. A huge part of me wants to talk to my uncle about it, but honestly Im just not really. Im way to pregnant to deal with emotionals this strong, but am sure I will with how bad the situation bothers me altogether.


As far as suicide, overdose and "accidental death " her death was labelled suicide and it was caused by drug overdose. As far as major details Idk, so I suppose I could be wrong, its what I have been told and what I understand of the situation. Ive now been told 2 completely different stories, so no Im not actually sure what happened. If you had read the post you would understand that. So idk what to tell you about that.

Im sorry my post has offend you ladies for being in the wrong place. Its not too hard to offend anyone for any reason on here. I dont think this is actually where my original post was, but I posted here this time. So sorry your offended this bad over it.

Also posting anonymously is allowed. I wouldn't want my name on something so personal with how aggressive some of you women can be. Its a sensitive subject for me, and women love to attack those things.Just talking about her death has been argued in this post, and offended people with not posting it in the right place. So no, I wouldn't give any of you my name.

I reposted for the ladies who did actually care and have questions. Thats all.

You can get angry and judge me all you want. Your just as human and no more perfect than me.