3 year old potty troubles


Hi everyone. Looking for some advice for my son. He just turned 3 and has been fully potty trained for 6 months. Just last week, he developed some type of aversion to using the bathroom at school. He “attempts” but won’t actually pee. And he doesn’t even have accidents. He just holds it in all day. Last week the teacher gave him 4 cups of water and still nothing. I got him home and he went right Away. The bathroom in his class does not have a door as it’s the room where they work on potty training and they need it open to help the kids. He asks for privacy when he goes at home so I’m half wondering if he’s now refusing to go because he wants privacy and can’t have it.

Any recommendations on how to help him? I wanted to ask the director if they can give him bathroom breaks in another room that has private bathrooms, but my husband says it’s a short phase and he will get over it. I just worry about him holding in his pee for & hours a day and that causing issues or making him sick 🤕