Elective c section or VBAC


Hi guys I have had 3 vaginal deliveries - all went fine, no rips... and one c section (my previous pregnancy) again, no problems, no infections recovered very quickly...

Here is my question what option should I go for for this baby?? This pregnancy is classed as high risk n complicated. After my little girl was born, I’ve had 2 miscarriages since - one in which was surgery for ectopic.

I’m currently 14 weeks 4 days so I have a while to think. I’ve done some research on it aswell... but I’d like to know peoples views/stories?? From my own personal experience of BIRTH - my c section was far easier than vaginal... the vaginals were way worse... however, the recovery for vaginals was much better... well, quicker.

Any advice/success story would be great :) xx

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