Possibly in preterm labor! 😬😂


Been having what I thought were Braxton Hicks but they were contractions! Cervix is closed but soft, and they’re doing the fetal fibronectin test and may send me to L&D if it’s positive. I’m only 32 weeks, this is my 3rd kiddo and this is the last thing we need 😩


My OB thought I just peed myself, but yesterday I did have to go to L&D for bleeding. I felt pretty dismissed they ran some test for infections which all came back negative, but they told me I have an “irritable uterus.” I was having contractions every minute yet they were only little ones. Now it’s just a waiting game because I’m not dilated but soft. they were going to check the placental cyst I had to see if that was the bleeding but the on call at my doctor told them It’s been stable so far, it’s been growing since 20 weeks. It’s 4x4x5 now so that’s exciting! 😏