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There's this guy that I have been fooling around with a bit lately, he is 2 years older and obviously wants to make fooling around more fun by taking the next step which would be sex. I'm stills virgin and he is not and I want my first time I guess to be somewhat meaning full to him and especially me. I asked him what he wanted out of it and he said 'fuck buddy'. But I know him being that kind of guy once he get what he wants hill most likely leave. I'm not really scared to have sex although I guess I'm still kinda young but I'm more scared of what would happen after. I really want to just crack open his barrier he has built and get to know this kid on a more personal level. I know I already know a little bit more than what most other people would, but if anything on the next level was to happen I would what to know almost everything bout this kid and I'd want the same from him to every thing about me! 
Question is what should I do, and how can I break through his comfort zone and keep him interested at the same time, without losing him. He told me that he was really badly hurt buy this chick who absolutely distributed his heart and literally made him have no trust or feelings towards girls and a very closed off person! I feel ask though I'm over reacting but I have to many thoughts and is making me confused. Please help ):