Rant but need advice


Ok rant and need advice sorry it’s long

So I went in to have a regular 28 week check up today at my hospital, my last appointment a weeks ago the midwife told me she was a bit concerned because I was 50 percent effaced already but only a finger tip dilated. So I came back today for a check up and they had said my cervix was even shorter then last time and that I needed to be triaged and would probably stay over night and possibly delivery pre term due to complications with her. So They get me to labor and delivery and they want to get a measurement of cervical length through ultrasound.. the first we noticed is her head is sooo far down she’s legit right there pushing on my cervix.. the ultrasound lady then told me “eh you’ll be fine it’s stupid there even having me check u at this point she rams the thing inside of me and says “ ok your normal and thick u can go now. So I’m like uhhh... ok they wheel me back to l&d and the lady comes in and says “well your fine the ultrasound lady said” um come back if your feeling contractions or your water breaks then she looks at me and says “let’s hope she doesn’t come before thanksgiving...” like why would she say that. So now the midwifes are upset because there saying that I’m really close to delivering and the labor and delivery just blew me off and didn’t even do a exam to check my cervix or effacement at all . Another thing that doesn’t add up last Time I got measure via ultrasound about 9 weeks ago in l&d I was a 3.9 now the ultrasound lady’s like Ohhh it’s a 4.5 your totally fine go home. So I’m so confused labor and delivery gives me mix singles and tells me I’m just fine but hopefully she doesn’t come before thanks giving and then.. the midwifes are freaking out that I need to be monitored and put on meds right away but labor and delivery said no so now I’m home in pain stressed and don’t know when she’s gonna come lol😂