Lice in curly hair?!? Please help!

Okay y’all I’m praying that someone here has gone through this but I’ve never heard of it happening before😩can’t find anything about it online either. I am mixed with black and white but my hair is very curly, frizzy and thick. Oh did I mention... THICK! I have so much hair. The other night I got my haircut and I was detangling it and I came across a bug! I freaked out googled it and it’s a lice. I’ve found several eggs since. I’m so deveststed I feel like my only option is to shave my head now, there’s no way I can get a knit comb through my hair. I was just starting to accept my hair and now this :( my anxiety about this is crazy. My daughter and boyfriend have it to. We slept over at my nieces house and we didn’t know she had it so I’m guessing that’s how we ended up getting it. If there’s anyone out there who’s ever experienced this or even heard of it happening and could give me some advice on what to do that would be amazing😫 thanks in advance!