My partner left me

I found out I was around 5/6 weeks pregnant last week and my partner of 2 years ran away scared. He gave me no support when I found out, he just threw an abortion page in my face straight away. He didn’t consider being able to have the baby. He’s 25. So it’s not like this is a 18 year old boy. He told me a month ago he wanted to get married to me, live with me and have babies. But just because it wasn’t planned he thinks it’s easy to just terminate this.

I have huge support from my family and friends but him and his family have given no support. I don’t know what to do.

I don’t know if I can bring a baby into the world without it’s dad or having a relationship with it’s dad.

But I don’t know if I can terminate the pregnancy. I’m having a scan today to see how far along I am and I’m so stuck.

I know it’s my decision so no one can influence my choice at the end of the day, but I just want some guidance. I’m 22, and I know I’d be an amazing mum. I have a great job and like I said before tonnes of support.