is it wrong to ask my boyfriend to stop talking to a girl?


my boyfriend of 7 months who i love deeply is friends with a girl, which is completely okay, most of his friends are girls and i never really have a problem with it, friends are friends. but this girl idk she’s an automatic red flag for me i suppose? i’ve never had such a bad feeling about someone in my life, she just gives me a horrible vibe. they’ve been friends since around when i met him, so he’s known us about the same amount of time. right off the bat i notice she doesn’t care for him nearly as much as she does him, for example- she didn’t talk to him for months because she was “too anxious” but she could text other people, she unfriended him because of me, she only messaged him when she needed something. also, her boyfriend didn’t like her talking to my boyfriend either, so it may be something about their friendship that gives off those bad vibes. they were friends for months and i just ignored it, but then her and her boyfriend broke up. now she’s messaging him constantly after hardly talking for months just after her breakup. should i be worried and would it be wrong of me to ask him to try and distance himself from her? i would type more and explain more but i’m busy at the moment so these are just the main things about it.