7 week old slept for only 45 minutes today...


From 6 am to 11pm my 7week old little man slept maybe 45 minutes to 1 hour combined. 45 minutes of sleep, roughly 16 hours awake! He was well fed, burped like a pro, pooped, peed, etc. but he was still crying in pain. He took to new pacifiers today, but he still wouldn’t sleep. He was wearing comfortable clothing, he’s clean and moisturized, and not a nappy rash in sight. He has been drooling more these last three days, and slowly growing more restless, but today was a nightmare. He was so tired but wouldn’t close his eyes. He was crying out like he was in pain.

Is this a growth spurt thing? Or possibly something else? If I have another day like today I will be taking him to the pediatrician... it broke my heart to see my baby so inconsolable...