I hate bedtime 😫


I have just put him to bed and for once he didn’t fight it, it didn’t feel like I was wrestling an angry alligator into a sleepsuit and he went to sleep. I go downstairs, crack open a packet of chocolate cookies and finally put on tv what I want to watch.

The baby monitor lights up. Little noises come out of the tiny speaker, gradually getting louder.

No mummy, I’m not going back to sleep yet, I’ve just learnt to sit up from laying down so why would I want to lay down and sleep?!? I’ll just sit here singing to you.

I feel like every night is a battle at the minute. He has never been the best sleeper, I think my record is 5 hours solid sleep in 8 1/2 months 🥳 but wowww this sleep regression/leap or whatever is taking the absolute piss 😫.