Home made baby food


Anyone else just LOVING making home made baby food for their little ones? I've been making it for my baby for a couple months now and still enjoy it! I thought I would share my method for making it and what I have done so far!

I use a baby bullet and make her food, and then put it in ice cube trays and once frozen pop out and store in freezer bags for 1 month.

I have done billed foods so far but backed is next (changing the flavour how its cooked)

I have done many fruits/vegetables and even lentils!

Next I have to make some chicken, beef and bean foods.

I like to make individual flavours (just carrot, just blueberry) and then when I'm serving her food I'll pick 2-3 foods to mix together! I try to do a fruit and cereal in the morning and then now a protein and veg for dinner and sometimes add a fruit. This way it can be different EVERY night vs the same thing over and over again. When I introduced a new food how ever I serve it by itself. So far we have been lucky with no allergies and shes loved all the foods.

I have done:

Pumpkin, zucchini, apple, pear, raspberry, blueberry, broccoli, carrots, green beans, chicken and lentils

Next baby food making sesion:

Chicken, beef, peas, and more fruits!

Some things my doctor recommended was doing different textures and not just purees so far my girl loves a little more mushy texture! She loves eating slices of banana and Avacado! Next we will be trying Eggs --you just scramble them small bits.

I have let my daughter "taste" a couple other fruits but as she doesnt have teeth it's more her tongue licking it such as strawberries and pineapple haha (my husband is so ready to let her try all new foods)

I would LOVE to hear some other mommas experience making home made foods and what they would recommend maybe trying next or what they have fed their little one with success!

And just for fun here are some pictures of my little one in her high chair!