Post-partum like pain


Hey so I never post here because I’m lame and also don’t have the time. However I figured this was a good place to ask for some input. I had an emergency c section last September and have no plans to have anymore children. My last period was less than a week ago.

After I had my daughter, I had a hematoma and then a seroma on my incision which then got infected. I didn’t start to heal until I was 4-6 weeks post partum because of it. I had severe constipation for about two weeks and this painful feeling when I would try to do kegels or go pee/ have a BM. I thought back then that maybe it was just swelling from giving birth and it went away after about a month two so I never thought twice about it. However I’ve started having that same pain again just in the last week or so. When I do kegels or (TMI so sorry) push when trying to have a bowel movement, it feels like my uterus/pelvic floor/bladder is contracting or is being pushed. I thought maybe endometriosis over my incision scar was to blame but I’m not sure about that. I have PCOS but it doesn’t feel like a cyst. I can only describe it as a searing pulsating/ throbbing/ muscle constriction swelling type of feeling. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be and what to do about it?