This was a wild year (Trigger warning)

Mads • 22|Queer|Vibin|💛♒🥺

A year ago on November 15th I decided to change my life completely. I decided to stop self harming. I've been a whole year clean and I would never change that. I have been happier then I was back then. I remember back in 2017 when I was a freshmen in highschool. It was May. I was in a hospital bed telling my mom I no longer wanted to be here. I went into a mental hospital and got help. It saved my life and I got a second chance. I found my calling to be a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I ended the most serious relationship I have ever been in and did it as mature as I could. I feel so happy and I excited for the next stage of my life. Mental illness and other illnesses can not stop me.