Hey girls I realllyyyy need help.

My boyfriend is a great person and I love him so much and trust him but the only huge problems I have is he has terrible communication and on top of that he’s a workaholic I barely get to see him as it is because we live 2 hours away from each other and I’m just sick of having to complain and nag him to show me some type of attention or even to compromise on how we can understand each other. He literally gets up in the morning, either gets on Call of duty or instagram, goes to work for 13 hours, goes home eats gets back on call of duty or goes to sleep and I never hear from him unless I reach out.

He claims he misses me and loves me and I’ve been trying to be considerate of his life but I just don’t get how someone could have time to get or a game or social media and not even think to even text someone they “love” a quick good morning or goodnight.

I don’t know what to do I could either break up with him or put my feelings to the side and deal... Am I being inconsiderate?