
Does your baby sleep longer stretches at night since starting solids? We start today and my daughter is still waking up multiple times a night for a bottle. She drinks 4-4.5 oz (used to be 5.5oz) she won’t drink anymore than that so she wakes every 2 hours or so to eat. She eats every 3 hours during the day, I try to give it sooner but she won’t be interested until the 3 hour mark. Her weight has slowed but it’s not dropped so I’m not worried as of now. I know starting solids doesn’t guarantee longer sleep stretches but just wondering if your babies started to sleep better after starting solids? I’m just so tired! She wakes 6 or so times throughout the night. She just doesn’t like to sleep at all, not even take naps lol. It’s a fight with her everyday for nap time/bed time. Her wake windows are about 2-2.5 hours. I tried starting bed time earlier, she wasn’t ready so I tried letting her stay up till she seemed ready, she wasn’t. She could stay up all night. She could stay up all day too.😩 when she does take naps, they are about 15-20 minutes, maybe less. I follow every sleepy cue. I keep her room dark and quiet. She’s a cranky baby a lot of the time from not getting enough rest. I’ve done gentle sleep training methods the past month, nothing’s helped. I don’t want to do CIO. I thought about ferber which I’ve attempted, but she can cry for hours and I just can’t listen to that. It breaks my heart.