On September 3rd we welcomed our twins Ezra and Elijah into the world

On September 3rd we welcomed our twins Ezra and Elijah into the world!

This was our first pregnancy and we definitely didn't know what to expect at all but everything worked out wonderfully. My water broke and I didn't even know it. So I didn't go to the hospital until the night before when the "liquid discharge" soaked through my pad. I didn't have contractions so I had no clue until the liquid flow increased lol.

We made it to the hospital to find out that my water had indeed broke and that I was one centimeter dilated, and the babies were not facing down. So I was scheduled for a csection the next day.

My husband was able to come in the operating room with me and it definitely was one of the scariest moments of my life. I felt like I was in an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

The surgery went very well and our beautiful boys were happy and healthy.

Yesterday they turned 3 months old. Having two babies is makes social media activities hard to keep up with so this is a late post but I'm very happy to share my success that I do contribute to this app and community ❤. We are truly blessed 🙌🏾🙏🏾