Failing Statistics

I am failing my Statistics class with an F. Semester is almost over in about three weeks. I’m trying my best. We do homework online (connectmath) and I have a C. On Canvas, it’s an F, which my professor said that is the REAL grade. I’m failing the tests. I am passing my other classes with an A, but this class, with tutoring even, I’m not really getting. My mind blanks during tests.

My mom is pushing me to pass my Stats class and it’s stressing me out. I’m supposed to be graduating next semester and heading to a 4-year university in fall. If I don’t pass this class, down the drain, I guess?

I feel like my progress should at least count because I’ve been passing my classes for years now. Math isn’t my strong suit. I tried calculating the “what if” grades and my grade would only go up to a D. Help?