Opk dollar tree


I have a question, are this dollar tree opk any good ? I bought some last month and started tracking my ovulation because i wasnt sure which day i was supposed to ovulate because i had the mirena for 4 years in. Now last month i didnt see any lh surge but i have to admit that i wasnt religiously testing and i wasn’t doing it 2 times a day. This month i started testing cd 7 because again im not sure if im ovulating cd14 or 20. I havent gotten yet any positive opk the darkest i got i’ll post the pic in this post. But 2 days ago i started seeing ewcm and today i started getting a lot of it. Like a lot and some mild cramps on the right side meaning ovulation pain. Took another opk and there was a wayy lighter line ! Could it be that im missing my surge or maybe the tests are no good ?

This is my ewcm there was so much of it !