My birth story


So, hubby and I were packing on a Friday night to be induced at 5 am the next morning. I got a call saying they had 2 ladies come in and are in labor, so they pushed my induction to noon. However, little man decided that was a no go. An hour after we got the call, my water broke. At first I thought I just couldn't stop peeing, then there was a huge gush, followed by intense contractions. So we head to the hospital. We get there around 11 pm. I got there, and I literally just could not stop pooping😂😂 I finally got myself together, and they got me on the monitor and checked my cervix. I was 4 cm dialated. I was then moved from OBed to labor and delivery. I then continued to be in active labor for the next 16 hours. I had 4 epidurals because it kept wearing off. But Everytime they gave it to me, I instantly fell asleep. Then they decided to have me push. But I was only 9 3/4 dilated. But I had been stuck there for 2 hours at that point. And the pitocen wasn't helping. I continued to push for 3 hours, while getting a 20 minute break and another epidural in the middle of it. Then his head didn't wanna come out so we decided to use the vaccuum. Which gave my baby a cone head, but that's okay cause my perfect little man is finally here!