Constantly freaking out!


I have a huge paranoia that something bad is going to happen. I’m trying to be positive but after suffering an early miscarriage before I had my son who is soon to be 3 every time I go to the toilet I check for blood or strange discharge.

I’ve just been to the toilet for a BM and had a slight pink streak in my discharge. I’m only 4 weeks 3 days and not sure if this is the start of the end. I’ve had next to no symptoms and just praying this baby sticks. I feel like I need to keep going to the toilet just to check. I’m not booked into the doctors until December 11th so have a bit to wait. I’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests one of them being digital and stating that I was 2-3 weeks. Can’t really say they were faint positives as they came up straight away!