Wedding- ceremony at 12 and reception is at 6. Would it be rude to only show up to one?

My husbands co-worker invited us to his wedding. The times are just so spread apart! We have 3 boys who will be staying withy aunt so for me it’s inconvenient to take a wholeeeeee day for a wedding. Would it be completely rude to show up at the reception and not the ceremony in which the bride will mostly likely be forever late( we run on Spanish time lol and this couple is always late for everything) and then the ceremony will be long and sorry but boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings but these people allowed a 5 hour time slot for a ceremony and an hour to get from the church to the hall.

Also if you go to both, would you change outfits? For example If the ceremony was over in an hour and you had 3 hours in between. Lol just something I thought about as I wrote this.

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