How many oz does your LO eat per day?


My in laws are watching our daughter tomorrow, from about 10am til sometime sunday morning.

About 2 months ago they watched her for exactly 24 hours, I had given them somewhere between 60-72oz of breastmilk and they were on the last bag when we came to pick her up. It blew my mind, I was not expecting them to go through that much and I thought I had given them too much.

I think they just fed her every time she was not happy, and just within the last few weeks she's started taking a pacifier so I'm hoping that helps this time.

I'm not sure how much she eats normally because I breastfeed, but it's about every 2 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night.

How much do you think I should give them tomorrow? I dont want them to run out obviously, but also dont want them to waste my milk and ruin my stash. Literally every time she gets a little fussy (even if just bored or tired) they want to feed her