freaking the fuck out


so hubs and i had sex on my ovulation day. i’m currently 13dpo. i’ve been getting nauseated and throwing up since 6-7dpo. light backache at 9-10dpo. sore breasts since 8dpo. cramps at 10dpo. i’ve been having bouts of my face flushing red. tonight, i started bleeding a day early, and i’m usually a day or two late. not long after, i threw up. i felt fine. my family and i played a board game and it was really intense. i started to freak out. my adrenaline was sky high. i lost the game and immediately started laughing and hyperventilating, which turned into crying and hyperventilating. my husband and mom wouldn’t let me drive home (i went separately) so now i have to stay the bought at my mom’s house. i don’t know what’s going on, either i’m pregnant and i’m having implantation bleeding or i’m losing my mind and having the pms from hell. i typically have cramps and breast pain for af but this is completely out of the usual.