
When I first met my husband we where just Fwb and that was good for me. When ICE picked him up back he got a felony charge. He was in jail for 3 months after he got out. He wanted to get married. I was truly in love with him. We got married 3 months after he got out of jail then everything changed. Told me that I was trapped and would never be able to leave him. Started to punch holes in the walls, started hitting me, verbally, emotionally and physically abusive. I got pregnant and had pur beautiful daughter. He started to yell at her and call her bitch and tell her to shut the fuck up and go to bed. She was only a week old. Now his drinking and drug addiction has gotten worse. His friends tell me it is because he is stressed out. Well he got a letter from us Visa place and we will have a interview. I told him he doesn't even know me. I feel trapped and I am going to leave him now.