Baby Daddies Mom Acting A Fool

Soo my baby daddy was kicked out after I found out he was cheating and got one of his Ex-Girlfriends pr

egnant right before our son was turning 3 months old. His mother talked ENDLESS shit about this girl who wrecked my family though my baby Daddy wasn't shit to start with missed 3 weeks of the first month of his life and now hasn't seen his son again in 2 months by choice like we have set visitations and everything and he just never comes or ask to see his son and he's jobless and his current gf the next baby mama is paying all his bill so he has the means for transportation. Oh not to mention the fact he's living in a camper on his mothers property 15 minutes away. ANYWAYS my issue is all of a sudden I'm seeing FB post from my baby daddies Mom of her tagging his gf in shit like their bff's and she doesn't even ask to see my son or ask about him unless it's a court date or a holiday. So like am I wrong to block her? She has my number but seeing her post shit on FB tagging that whore makes me wanna blast tf off.I know how people get with FB when I was pregnant I deleted it because they all started issues. And my extended family I like sharing picture of my son with which included her but she's so fucking two-faced.

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