Advice needed... 🥴


I have been with the same guy for four years.. ( And yes, we are sexually active). Buttt, before him, I was in a relationship with this girl who I loved and still love so much.. (parents are the reason we had to separate.. my parents are Christian and couldn’t stand to see me with her & made threats to get a restraining order). Welll, I’m still more attracted to women than I am to men. And I’m not sure what to do.. I mean, I do love him and sex is great but it’s nothing compared to what I had with her.. he doesn’t turn me on as much as girls do. What if I’ll never be attracted to him as I am to women.. how do I know?? And what about my ex girlfriend? Should I tell her how I feel?

What do I do?

My boyfriend has NOO idea about her or how I feel.