Relationship issue?

I hate to sound whiny and desperate but I don’t know who to turn to in this holiday season so sorry for dumping my emotional baggage on you guys.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over three months and he hasn’t told his parents. I told mine pretty quickly after we started dating cuz 1) it’s my first relationship and idk wth I’m doing 2) I’m the eldest and first to start dating in my family 3) my parents are kinda strict about dating (they actually had a no dating until after college rule that I didn’t know about). It was really hard to get my parents to get used to the idea of me dating but they eventually accepted it since he and I met in youth group and we’ve been best friends for a while and we’re both mature and strong in our faiths. He goes to college right down the street from me so we carpool together on the weekends (we like to commute back home for church) when our parents take turns picking us up and dropping us off at school. His parents and I get along really well and I feel like they wouldn’t make a big deal about us dating. He says his relationship with them is complicated, he doesn’t like to share his personal life with them. From what I’ve observed, they do communicate - it’s not like it’s really awkward and quiet between them - but I understand that his parents are also going through some issues of their own and that he’s just not comfortable talking about personal stuff with them. He reasons that they don’t have to know yet cuz our relationship is still so young and we have friends we can talk to instead. While I do agree that it’s easier to talk to friends about this kind of stuff than family, I feel like the parents should at least know by now that we’re dating. We also have a lot of close church friends coming home for the holidays and we wanted to tell them about our relationship in person (honestly, they’ve all been dying waiting for us to happen). But I feel weird telling all of our friends before his parents. Right now, only my family, our young adults group pastor and adult leaders, and a few close friends know. I thought he would’ve told his parents by now. Idk I just feel really uncomfortable with this situation and it’s honestly kind of a red flag to me. I know our relationship is really important to him but idk how to get past this. Please give some advice!