So stupid

This is just a rant because I’m feeling super sad and bummed. My husband and I started hunting three years ago. It was something we did together and has always been fun! last year we went out together a few times (I was pregnant at the time) and the few times I did go out I was in a lot of pain afterwards. Just the uncomfortable sitting, cold weather, walking etc. anyway I was excited for this year bc I thought I’d be able to go! Well I’m still breast feeding and we don’t really have any baby sitter around here. If I went out and hubs watched our baby He’d have to fed bottles and then I’d have to pump which is just silly. So the other idea was oh I’ll just come in and feed her: well in theory that’s great but I 1) would be making too much noise going back and forth and 2) would be a lot of work to get out of the clothes then back in and go back out.

Sounds like an excuse but the whole point of hunting is go out and sit and be quiet for a long time and then the deer come if I’m walking back and forth nothings going to come and itspointless I’m out.

And way hubs has been going out and got 2 deer today!! He said he saw 6 behind him. So I’m pumped he got 2 deer but bummed because he also got one earlier in the season so we have 3 deer now. Usually we eat 1 and run out by hunting season so our goal was 2. But 3 is more than enough!! Well the problem now is even if I wanted to go out now it’s stupid because we don’t need 4 deer! It’s wasteful and yeah so I’m jealous and bummed now. Happy for him!! But bummed this was something we did together and for two years I’ve missed out. I want to go track the one deer with him and bring the baby but she’s still asleep :( again I know I sound so stupid and dramatic I’m just a little bummed and jealous right now.