Food aversions 20 weeks!? Whaaa

Amy • Married and we have our rainbow baby strong and now a toddler and we have #2 due in august hope she is and wishing everyone a healthy pregnancy and delivery 💍💏🌈💗🤰

I'm so confused I only had a couple random food aversions no real morning sickness (more random nausea but no toilet hugging) well ever since I turned 20 weeks on Friday it has happened on 3 occasions I'll be eating normally and all of a sudden it's disgusting and I'm gagging and I want no more. I will feel hungry but terrified of eating because idk what it doesn't like anymore. What is happening I wasn't bad in first trimester but this second it's like NOPE! Vivid dreams, exhaustion, food aversions, breast tenderness, headaches this is getting nuts I'm so confused and wondering if any of you are experiencing any of this too

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