

Hi ladies. I found out I was pregnant October 25, 2019. Went in for an ultrasound at almost 9 weeks and it turns out the baby had stopped ground around the 5 week mark. I slowly started to spot at 9weeks and 1 day. I kept passing little bits of tissue and the sizes progressed. I passed the biggest, gel like placenta on Thanksgiving and on the 29th of November I had excruciating pain that I couldn’t stand. It was consistent for about 3 hours I even bled heavily. I went through about 4 pads in those 3 hours till the pain and bleeding settled. I was fine all of 30th until about 11PM. I started feeling pain again..Then at around 3:20 AM on December 1st I went to the bathroom with pain in my abdomen and back once again and passed this...

Do I need to go to the hospital?!! /:

I’m freaking out, but my boyfriend thinks we need to wait till the early morning.