Glow friends forever

Kayla • Finley 👱‍♂️ 10/05/17, Piper 👱‍♀️ 22/07/2020

Basically this app is the best..

I joined a few months ago now and clicked the cycle buddy section and put myself out there! Not having any friends to talk to I thought it would be amazing to have like minded people to talk to and boy did that happen..

I started talking to a lovely girl we added each to her on social media and have talked every day since!

We tracked cycles together we ate chocolate together when it wasn't our months we were just there for each other..

Fast foward a month or so and she's not trying anymore for her own reasons but I've found out I am pregnant and she's soo happy for me and its genuine.. Her family and my family are arranging to meet next year..

I don't really know why I'm writing this other than a shout out to her and to all you other lovely lady's to chat to someone on here you never know what will happen.. Jasmine I love you xxxx picture because I'm soo excited

OK editing this because someone had commented telling me this was a safe place for people struggling to conceive in the section I put this.. I'd like to say I've struggled like mad I've had multiple losses but I put this up to try and help others make friends while going to hell trying!