Read this on Facebook, had to share!❤️

My husband works. I stay at home. He pays the bills and gives me money to get out the house. It's cheaper for him to work and me stay at home, then it is us both work and pay for daycare. I get asked, "what do you do all day?" "You dont have a job?". See, I do work. I work my fucking ass off. No, I dont get paid. I don't get a lunch break, I don't get to just "go home" after a long day. I feed the baby 6 times a day (or breastfeeding on demand), bath time, diaper changes every hour, laundry time, dishes, rocking and swaying until my back breaks or my arms are numb, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, more laundry, more dishes, more cleaning, making bottles, cleaning bottles, tending to our animal, tending to every cry and every tantrum thrown, cooking, making snacks, cleaning crumbs, more cleaning, teaching our child to crawl, to walk, to learn ABC's and 123's. I'm a full time teacher, animal caregiver, cleaning lady and a cook. Most importantly, I am a full time mother and wife. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But I'm "not the one paying bills" so I "have it easy". I may not have a paying job right now because that's what I chose. To spend time with our daughter. So I'm "lazy" and "jobless". If that's how you look at every SAHM, without knowing her story or even what comes with being a full time mother, well then shit.

In the midst of it all, I am working on the new woman I have become to be since having my daughter and working on a new career. A career where i make my own hours, and still be able to fulfill my job as a mother, a wife and not miss a beat.

So before you go judging a SAHM, know her story.

-All you moms out there, working or SAH, you're pretty fucking amazing! Stay strong mama!❤💪🏽