TW:sexual assault. what would u do if ur friend lost her virginity to the boy who tried to rape u

so basically there’s this kid B at my school who i’ve known for years and one night my sophomore year i went to his party and he told me he wanted to get me drunk and i was like oh shut up B and he played it off as a joke too. after most people had left my ride was gonna come back to get me so i was there with him and a few other guys and it was fine bc i still had two of my guy best friends there (isaac and B) but then everyone else left and it was just me and B and he followed me upstairs to the bathroom and when i went pee he went to his room and was like okay liz and noa (my ride) are in the other room and they were kinda together and i was just like oh ok so i sat down and started watching tik toks and then he tried to push me down and i was like kinda trying to laugh it off like hahaha no stop!! but he wouldn’t and i tried that and got more serious when he grabbed my neck i was like “b...please stop” and i was crying and it was a hot mess but he wouldn’t stop so i had to like figure out how to get out of there and i had to bang on the walls bc he wouldn’t let me talk to liz and noa to take me home. when i got to the car me and liz started crying talking abt it and noa was MAD and wanted to go beat him up but i was like no don’t can we please just go home i wanna shower so we went home. Delaney is best friends with liz and i and she has feelings for B so i knew that i had to tell her and warn her because i don’t want that happening to her. so liz and i told her and she got mad at me and accused me of wanting it and wanting to hu w him and said that i don’t care about anyone but myself. we are finally over the fight but recently like maybe a week ago she told me she lost her virginity to B after i had told her all of that (this was like maybe a month after the situation)the only thing i said back to it was did you want to and she was like yes and its so annoying because i don’t want to get into another fight but every time she talks about it i get so mad because it hurts that my best friend would do that to me and idek if i should say anything because i feel like if i don’t talk to her about it it’s going to cause a bigger problem bc i’m slowly cutting her off rn bc i don’t know what to say