Baby poop question. Constipated?


Hi Mamas. I think my baby might be constipated...

She was a once a week or twice a week pooper. For about 4 days now, she’s been passing small little turds (just one or two & I’d say they are pebble size & shaped) basically every two hours. Even during the night. She strains when she’s passing but doesn’t act fussy or cry. It looks very dry and very formed. It’s not too hard but formed enough that it basically falls off the diaper.

She’s breastfed and on solids twice a day. This started happening after we introduced some bananas (which I’ve stopped now.. I’m giving her pears & avocados & breastfeeding more)

I have booked an appointment with the doctor for this evening but just wanted to know if I’m overthinking this...

I’m wondering if I should stop solids for a few days. I haven’t given her any additional water. She also had what looked like a tear around her anus day before yesterday and I put some vaseline on it with every diaper change and it healed within a day.