Could this be our month???


Monday Morning:

We took a three month break and this was our first month back at it. We BD 3 times during my fertile week and I’ve tried to stay optimistic!

Af is due Wednesday, but I am not bloated at all like I usually am, I have been having wildly vivid dreams, pretty bad insomnia (waking up in the middle of the night to pee at 3am and can’t go back to sleep at all), and today I’m so nauseous.

I think this may finally be it!! Praying and got all my fingers and toes crossed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday Night Update: I have been nauseous on and off all day, chugging water, which has made me had to pee a thousand times. And then very dizzy tonight and my face is HOT! Like burning. I am cramping a little so not sure what’s going on. Still trying to remain optimistic!

Tuesday update: still had vivid dreams, woke up twice in the middle of the night to pee but a BFN this morning. My face got so red and hot again today. No weight gain at my WW meeting this week, when I normally gain at least 3 lbs. Slight nausea after eating. A pimple on my cheek and I rarely get acne. Sore breasts. No cramping today. Very itchy breasts. I’m at about 50/50 now but still trying to remain optimistic. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Do any of these seem like pregnancy symptoms? Or am I just symptom spotting? 🤦🏼‍♀️

For me the vivid dreams, insomnia, waking up peeing, no bloating and HOT face are just so bizarre and out of character for me.

Wednesday night update: ugh I am so frustrated!! I just want an answer ! 😭

Today I had much less symptoms for either pregnancy or af. Until lunch. I ate my entire lunch, had diarrhea then was STARVING FOR HOURS. I was straight ravenous. Then had diarrhea again after dinner. From lunch till dinner I had major nausea on and off. Now just a little bit on and off. Idk what’s going on. I’m just starting to feel crazy at this point. 😩