Boyfriends dog

My boyfriend has a crazy dog she never lays down she’s always jumping biting trying to get between us because she gets jealous it’s non stop we will be hanging for hours and she still won’t calm down I can’t handle it anymore I got my belly button pierced and she almost ripped it out she’s a big dog I’ve started telling him I don’t wanna come over when he asks I say I just can’t handle it today i work 50 hour weeks I’m tired but he can always come to my place is this mean? I love my boyfriend so much but I don’t want to go over there anymore and that makes it so I only see my boyfriend at night time after he puts her In the bathroom with her food and dog bed I don’t know what to do anymore I love his dog she’s so cute but it gets exhausting I just want to be able to cuddle with my boyfriend without this dog trying to bite my face