I am going crazy right now. Im 23, Me and my fiance have been trying to get pregnant for a while now and In Feburary i got pregnant for the first time then had a miscarriage at about 6 weeks. In the summer we gave up. So to now, we only had sex twice this month, on the 1st and on my ovulation day the 16th but he didnt ejaculate inside me. I am 3 days late on my period which is unusual because it always comes on time. I noticed i was having heart burn these past couple of days, been super tired, and my boobs have been sore and feeling like cinder blocks! I have taken three pregnancy tests over the coarse of my three day missed period. ALL three tests came out negative!! I took two $1 ones and a clearblue digital one and said Not Pregnant. What could possibly be wrong with me!? Could i have an underlying health issue!? Anyone else this happen to that turned out pregnant?? I just want to know if im the only one going thru this. I want answers!! Also i should put out there that im not super stressed or anything so i dont believe its stress related. Ladies help!!!!!