Breast milk help.

Leah • baby girl Hayden Cole 🎀 10/05/15
Okay so my daughter is 2 weeks old i attempted breast feeding from day one because I want her on breast milk but I was also pumping to make sure I got an adequate supply and for my husband to be able to help with feedings when necessary. At 1 week post partum I got sick with a fever and stayed in bed for 24 hrs and didn't breast feed and pumped only twice that day just to help with the engorgment other than that I was sleeping I didn't purposely not breastfeed my husband took it upon himself to bottle feed so I could rest and recover. Fast forward to 24hrs after that my milk supply has completely gone away regardless of if I pump or breastfeed I get maybe 1 oz per session out of my right breast (it was at 2.5/3oz) and I'm down to 2 oz per session on my left breast (it was 3.5/4oz) and because she's only drinking breast milk and no formula this is barely enough. I don't have clogged ducts I just really need some suggestions on some methods that have worked for other moms. Thank you