Is 8 weeks too young to force a bedtime routine?


My LO is 8 weeks and we finally got her to be able to sleep in a bassinet whereas she used to not stay asleep unless she was in someone's arms (yay for the win!) However, now I seem to have a NEW sleep problem; her "bedtime" is at an ungodly hour.

This wasn't something we did purposeful. She just doesn't want to sleep earlier than that. Our typical day at the moment starts like this:

10AM/11AM: wake up to BF, start day

1PM: Nap

3PM: wake up to BF

5PM: Nap (sometimes she doesn't take this one)

6/7PM: wake up to BF and NEVER SLEEP AGAIN, randomly BF through the evening

12/1AM: "bedtime"

6AM: wake up to BF, falls to sleep immediately after

She just doesn't go down for naps between 6

PM and midnight or if she does, they last less than 15 minutes. She maybe gets a total of 14 hours maximum of sleep per day, sometimes less, keeping wide awake in the late afternoon/evening for hours. She of course ends up getting overtired and becomes increasingly fussy at those times. Dr Google suggests routine, which I have attempted.

I have tried the bath/massage/feed technique starting at 7PM- no dice, still wants to stay awake late.

Nightly swaddle -she hates it and needs her arms free, and it doesn't make her sleepy just pissed off.

We turn off the lights and tv at 7PM every night, doesn't matter

We have a white noise machine that we use every night, all night-doesn't make her sleepy but assists in keeping her asleep when she finally does go down.

Ive tried walking around with her and bouncing with a pacifier to lull her to sleep- nope!

Her bassinet has a rocking feature- puts her BACK to sleep during the night, but doesn't seem to work for her first time down

I've even attempted to keep her awake longer during the early afternoon and skipping her naps to make her sleepy earlier and that backfired and made her even more overtired and angry.

If I wake her up earlier in the morning, say around 8AM, she just ends up falling back to sleep in less than hour after waking

No routine attempt has worked thus far. My husband argues with me that she is still too young to attempt a set routine and that she will eat and sleep of her own volition and it's something we have to deal with until she is 6 months old (I don't know where he is getting this info), whereas I have read from multiple sources that its never too early to start a routine and that babies her age should be getting significantly more sleep and shouldn't be awake more than 90 minutes at a time. Haha, WHERE ARE THESE MAGICAL CHILDREN??

I ask people/the internet how to change her bedtime to a reasonable hour and the hilarious answer is always "put her to sleep at an earlier time" and I'm sitting here laughing hysterically because, uh yeah, duh, that's what I'm trying to freaking do, tell me HOW.🙄

Any advice is appreciated. I go back to work in 4 weeks and have until then to fix this because I can't keep staying awake until 1AM to be at work at 6AM when the time comes. I know babies her age still need help to sleep and funny enough her naps are EASY but at night, she becomes a vampire and is wide awake and refuses to allow me to assist. How do I help her sleep earlier of none of the above has worked?


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