Addictive please


So I have had a crush on this girl for a really long time and we have been friends for years. So I recently told her and she had just gotten dumped by her girlfriend so we ended up messing around that night ( my parents were out of town so I was sleeping over at her house) and we made out like 3 times the next 2 days . But then she started ignoring my texts and when I message her asking if she was ignoring me she said she needs some time. And on her Instagram story she posted something about being in a relationship and I’m assuming she’s back with her ex. And I just wut every thing to go back to the way it was before and I just wut to have my friend back. My mom and dad are going through a separation and I’m going to be in another state for 2 months at a time and my mom is leaving in a few days and it’ll be like two months before I get to see her and my dad is Super homophobic and has been more violent lately . And I just wut my friend to be with me through this and I don’t know what to do