How would you interpret this comment?

My mom told me the other day that I could be a model which I laughed at because although I'm 5'10" and a US size 8 I'm waaay too chubby for normal ranges and not chubby enough for plus size without even getting into my face 😂 she kept going though and said "no I'm serious, you've got really stunning features and modern models all have gap teeth like you and a standout feature like your nose!" ... I laughed it off but I wasn't that bothered about my nose and now I can't stop thinking about it, it's broken from years back but not bad enough for surgery because it's only noticeable from the side

My mum's not the only one though I always get old relatives telling me I'm a "smart looking woman" with "stunning features" which I find entertaining because it feels like a way around trying to compliment my appearance without making something up hahaha

I'm not that bothered because I know I'm average looking and I don't mind because my height already gets me unwanted attention from creeps so looking any different would be a nightmare. What do you think of my mom's comment though? I know she was trying to be nice so I wasn't offended in the least just my older brother didn't understand what I found entertaining about it and I'm curious as to how you would interpret it?

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