Sleep train and sleep alone babies- if they are sick do you let them co-sleep those few nights? Does it start bad habits ?


Baby boy is 9 months tmrw.

He’s been a pretty good sleeper. Not officially sleep trained but does pretty well.

He never cosleeps with us at night unless we are away from home. It’s easier than bringing a pack n play.

At thanksgiving we coslept at a relatives house for 4 nights.

Since we got home he’s been hard at bedtime. He used to be pretty easy. He’s also been cutting tooth so I chalked the bedtime stuff up to a mix of travel recovery and teething.

Now last night he came down with a cold on top of all that.

So now he’s teething and now all stuffy and congested but still fussing about going into his crib. He wants to cuddle and sleep on my lap.

Depending how tonight goes I’m contemplating letting him cosleep so we both get a little more rest than last night. BUT I don’t want to set a precedent I’ll regret. I don’t want to start something that will be even harder to stop later.

If we cosleep at home for a few nights while he gets better do you think he will keep fussing and want to cosleep when he’s all better?

Like he will realize it’s an option and try to demand it?

Thanks for any advice!!