I need to vent

So before i was pregnant i thought my boyfriend was going to move in with me and my mom to make it easier for him to see our son. Well that didnt work out because the job he was going to transfer to pays less, and obviously that wasnt going to be worth it. Plus the current job he is with now, funds the insurance our son is on. Anyways today my mom calls me today saying she wanted to have a talk with us because shes “tired” of watching the baby. I work 12-8:30. The baby is with a baby sitter from 11-5 and my mom only watches him when she gets off work until i come home. 3 times a week. So thats between 9-12 hours a week that my mom watches my son. But she claims she so tired. Yes i understand its not her kid but she agreed to help simply because of my work schedule and that my boyfriend literally only gets to see his his friday-sunday. My mom literally only watches him 5-9 monday-wednesday. Every other day he is with either me or his dad. Im just so aggravated because you’re doing the bare minimum but is ready to inconvenience us because those 9-12 hours a WEEK make you tired as if im not tired. She wants to be so involved but she whines over every little thing dealing with the baby. She barely helps but always wants to hold him. But 9-12 hoirs a week is apparently too much to ask for. Ive only been back to work since 11/18. I really want to move out and away. But im just not set up to do so. Im 23 ftm btw.

thanks for reading lol.