Proud moment (off topic)


Okay so this has nothing to do with babies, but I have nowhere else to share this victory haha! So last weekend my hubby and I got away, escaped to the big city, and hubby even suggested I get my hair done. First time in over a year! 😱 I was SO excited about this. I went to a fancy ass salon and wanted to update my balayage highlights to be less brassy overall and also cut off ALL the disgusting hair I had. The past few months I've literally been cutting knots out of my hair because it's so horrifyingly tangly, so it needed the big chop. Long story short, here's the results.



So I initially loved it, although I did notice some sections looking particularly gray which you can't see on that side in the photo. We leave after I'd spent an obscene amount of money, and I'm fairly content. Later I noticed not only were some parts a blueish gray, but the highlights themselves were overprocessed to the point of being super white. It was definitely because my stylist let me overprocess while she took another client during the time I had bleach in my hair. SO after going home, I used dish liquid and other shampoos to see if I could get the blue/gray out:

Obviously still not ideal, as I had no idea what to do about the white Cruella Deville highlights. So I messaged my friend who's a hair stylist and she told me all about toners I could use. It's a delicate thing to do as white highlights could turn green, blue or purple if you put any cooler tones on top. So I did my best, mixed 3 different blonde toners and came out with this result:

(Ignore my pjs). I'm so happy with the result! And SO glad I didnt have to go to ANOTHER salon and spend way more money I don't have, and find someone to watch my baby on top of that. So YAY!!

(PS going back to the same salon to ask her to fix it wasn't an option as it's 2.5 hours away and we only went on a whim since my MIL was able to watch the baby that day). But I'm so glad I was able to fix it myself and for like 20 bucks.