He’s taking male enhancements


Soooo.... first time I found the packaging of male enhancement to increase sex drive I was confused because he hid it but also I was hurt because he had made me feel so sexy one night and told me how much I turned him on but all I could think about now is how he needed that pill to be able to feel/treat me like that, cause he never is that way I should mention... I confronted him about it and he apologized and told me he would discuss it with me next time if we decided to try something new. So A couple months down the road I took a female pill that makes you horny - that he actually bought for me by the way** anyway, I took it and he got really mad and said wow, why did you need that. And blah blah blah. So basically he felt exactly how I felt when he took one so we decided together okay no more.. so tell me why I check his jacket as I’m cleaning our closet out and I find a full 5 day supplement male enhancement.. ugh I’m so annoyed am I just not attractive to him anymore why does he feel like he needs this?